Jewish Ethical Will  j0444306.jpg

 List of Contents:

  1. My parents, siblings were / are…
  2. Events that helped shape our family…
  3. People who strongly influenced my life…
  4. My Bar/Bat Mitzvah day
  5. Who spoke… the message from my parents…
  6. The ritual(s) of most meaning to me….
  7. Specific teachings from Jewish source(s) that move me most…
  8. Our Family genealogy
  9. Dates – The following Jewish Birthdays
  10. and Yarzheits to remember
  11. A Letter to my children/grandchildren
  12. Special family traditions…
  13. Memories of my marriage day…
  14. Each year on my Yarzheit please read the following…
  15. Favorite humor
  16. Charity wishes
  17. Burial wishes & Funeral plans…no cremation
  18. My ardent wishes for you….
  19. May the Almighty….