I’m the Rabbi at Chabad of Mineola. We’d like you to join us for the High Holidays.

These are the things you should know about us first.


I decided to write to you because it’s been brought to my attention there may be a few misconceptions about Chabad that ought to be addressed.

Yes, I have a beard. No, my wife does not. I wear lots of black.  On the odd occasion, I’ve been mistaken for ZZ Top.  The good looking one.

Our services are quick. My sermons are funny.  And if I do my job right, meaningful. You’ll be thinking about them after the services.  This may lead to a lively conversation.  Or even a spirited debate.   Imagine that.

Our services are spoken in English and Hebrew.  You won’t have any trouble following along.

You don’t need to belong to our synagogue to get a good seat.

Sure, we’d love to have you as a member, but membership is never required to attend any of our programs or services. Ever. Children are welcome.  The more the better.  We have a few of our own.  Okay, more than a few.  You’ll have to come to find out how many.

We’re friendly congregation.  If you’re new to our services, be prepared.  Someone will make you feel welcome. There are people who join us to pray. There are people who join us to kibitz.  And to make new friends.

If you’re here simple for some alone time, we’re good with that. Now that you know a little bit about us, you may find yourself asking, “What do you actually believe?”

Good question.  We ask it of ourselves often. We don’t have all the answers, but we do have some.  So here’s a start.

We believe the world is a good place and that light dispels darkness.  We believe that Judaism should bring people together, not keep them apart. Our differences are opportunities for learning and growth.

We believe that helping to bring out the best in others leads to bringing out the best in ourselves.

We believe in acts of kindness and maintaining a healthy sense of humor. Laughter is a good thing.  So is smiling.  You’ll see a lot of smiles here at Chabad.  So smile freely.  We’re big on the whole joy thing.

If you’d like to experience something a bit different this year, visit www.chabadmineola.com. Or give us a call at 516-739-3636 and we’ll save you some seats.  Free.

I look forward to spending the High Holidays with you and your family.