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Rabbi Perl Articles
- Beware Chabad Handshake!
- My Super Bowl Ad
- Eagle Scout Court of Honor
- The Obama-Castro Handshake
- Rabbi Talks Kosher Turkey
- Hands & the Finger!
- Al Roker Sleeps Late-Rebbe Explains!
- Do I Believe in Visions
- Rebbe I want marry a non-Jew
- American Flag Day
- The Rebbe's Advice
- Vice President for Life!
- Ping Pong Star
- Search & Destroy Photo Contest
- Torah Lesson Missing Malaysian Airline
- Search & Burn
- When Criticizing Israel is OK!
- Jewish Funeral Services for a Suicide
- A Jewish Humor Look at Ice Bucket Challenge
- The Elusive Jerusalem -Its Missing!!
- Clothes Makes the Man!
- Joan Rivers Cremated Sadly
- Drunk on Purim...What!
- 9/11 2014 Invocation
- Hebrew Alphabet in Star of David
- My Prayer for New Year
- Ebola-Succot Protection
- It Takes All Kinds
- Treating Ebola Patient?
- Kristallnacht & Berlin Wall Fall on Same Date
- Why bad to good people?
- 'The Interviews' with the Rebbe!
- New Year for Books!
- Torah from Cigars
- Why I Love Converts!
- Why Birds Fly in V Formation!
- Its Just a Leap Second
- Ash from Iceland Kindness from Sinai
- Travellers Prayer
- Israel Bans iPads Is this good for the Jews
- Iceland Volcano Ash Alerts Blessing
- Nation Building The Secret
- Do I Need Both faith & Knowledge
- The Secret to Nation Building
- Good Deed Honors Teens
- Button Up! Its Worth It
- You can Have Your Soup and Eat It!!
- Miracle on the Hudson Now at Times Square
- Playing G-d
- Holocaust Survivors with Serial Numbers
- You Too Can Be a Levite
- Happy The Baal Shem Tov Style
- Why the Yizkor Service
- Conserving Energy Torah Style
- Rabbi Welcomes Israel Ambassador
- Outline on Jewish Ethical Will
- Surviving the Flotilla Crisis
- Ticket Registration For Holocaust Tattoo
- Nazi Number 7-4-1-6
- Do You Like Me, Do You Love Me!!!
- No Win!
- Nathans Eating Contest & Jewish Eating Etiquette
- Right Left No Extremes Please
- Why Israel Has Milk Honey Brains & No Oil!
- Warren Buffet Agrees With Rabbi Perl
- Drugs & Self Control
- Putting Humpty Dumpty Together
- Bagels R' Us
- Suicide on Long Island
- Adolf Eichmann Says Shema
- The View on Shirley Sherrod
- Why Moses Takes off his Shoes
- Go Home If You Dont Care!
- Exit Strategy: Leaving Boring Shul Speech
- Non-Toxic Shuls
- Staying Happy Secret Exposed!
- Rabbis Blown Their Own Horns With County Executive
- Hang in and Keep Smiling – it's contagious!!
- The Toilet Bucket OverFlows
- Was Noah Really For the Birds?
- Why is Love Missing?
- Chile's Miners Unite the World
- Friends of a Dead Man
- Sarah Palin's Alaska & Jewish Leadership
- Beware of the Gap!
- Animal Farm: Are you a Lamb or Goat?
- New Twist on Dreidel Spin!!
- Rabbi Prepares Bernie Madoff Eulogy for Mark
- The Empty Gold Box of Kisses
- How Many Mothers Produced Moses? Abortion Quiz
- Resolutions Some Funny Some Serious
- You can Make a Miracle & Find Elijah
- Wait days, Why, Mindset Stupid!
- The Attempted Political Assassination
- Jewish Ethical Will Saves Cremation
- A Message From Gabrielle Griffords
- Rabbi Sees Light in Obama Dialogue of Healing
- The Rebbe's 3 Loves!
- Judaism and Kumbaya Seating!
- Royal Jewish Wedding without Pre-Marital Intimacy!
- Can you Think Out of Box
- Israel with Eygpt In Turmoil
- Valentines Starts With OneSelf
- Democracy vs. Freedoms
- Rabbi Dedicates Sermon to Westminster Dog Show 2011
- Are You a Snob
- Help Israel, Kiss Mezuzahs!
- Lawyer looks to Stiff Old man
- Helping Child
- Oscar Report: Jewish Lessons From the Kings Speech
- Grandfather Helps from Heaven
- Star With Jewish Name!
- Is the blood of Libyan children less red than the blood of Gaza’s children?
- G-d & Tsunamis
- Japan, Libya, Israel How Do We Move On?
- Washington Shutdown won’t stop Passover Plans
- Difficult Seder Guests
- What Would Do If You Could Become Invisible?
- Passover has lessons for those fighting freedom
- I live in Jerusalem-Do I leave Out 'Next Year in Jerusalem"?
- Royal Wedding With a Jewish Twist
- The Fate of Freedom is in our Children's Hands
- Celebrate Royal Wedding in Kosher Way!
- Jewish Reflection on Royal Marriage of Commoner
- The Whip, The Siddur A Holocaust Survivor Sobering Thought
- For me Osama is history. To learn from!
- Bin Ladin's Passion Revisted
- Is It Racist to Want a Jewish Spouse?
- Why a Pothead Could Not buy a TV!
- I want my Father!
- Rabbi Perl Agrees this Shabbat is the End!
- Why is Schwarzenegger Terminated!
- The Case Against a Palestinian State
- Why Women are not Counted!?
- G-d's Favorite
- What did the Rebbe say about Marilyn Monroe
- The Rich & Famous Act so Despicably!!
- Weiner Confession The Jewish Way!
- How Do you Show Love to Lost Loved Ones!
- Recorded on the Hard Drives of My Children
- Judaism Doesn't Do It For Me Any More!
- Arabs aren't happy, Why Is This?
- Lubavitch Rebbe on Stamp Collection
- Can a Jew be an Atheist & quit Judaism?
- Groom Should Be Afraid of Switch & Bait!
- Helen Thomas Really Gets It!
- Observat Jew..Thats Not Who I am Says Rebbe
- 12 Step Jewish Recovery Program
- Should Casey Anthony Get Away With Murder?
- The Kosher Serenity Prayer
- Saying Shema for Leiby Kletsky
- Are We allowed to Ask G-d a few Questions after Leiby Kletsky
- Our Parting Words to Leiby Kletsky
- The Tragedy of the Amy Winehouse Cremation
- The 13 Biggest Lies
- London Riots Bring Home the Kosher Bacon
- What Would you Do in this Jam?
- Shabbat Protocol on Hurricane Irene
- Are we in control Irene says NO!
- Human Being Recalled by Manufacterer
- Rabbi Perl's iPhone Speak Out!!
- Presidents to Attend Chabad Mineola
- UN tries to Isolate Israel-Is this good for the Jews?
- Taking a Stand in Life has its shortcomings!!
- Yom Kippur with Steve Jobs
- The Jewish Perspective on the Occupy Wall Street
- Kim Kardashian The Marriage Crisis
- Penn State Paterno Out!
- Doing Time Behind Bars and Outside
- 10 Fear Busters for Successful Public Speaking
- Public Menorah Lighting Address
- Smile Dont Spit! Beit Shemesh Shandah
- Is G-d He or She?
- Kosher Boteach
- Tattoo: Burial in Jewish Cemetery?
- Judaism’s Bill of Obligations in Marriage
- Burial of Moses -Secret to Long Life
- Hamantashen Eating our Enemy Custom
- Judaism Speaks to Mormon Proxy Baptism
- Purim: Joy on Demand?
- G-d is Taking a Picture of You
- Condolence Letter to Israel's Leader
- Secret Service Shul Scandal
- Judaism Breast Feeding Time Magazine Debate
- The Good Deed Report
- Facebook IPO Frenzy
- Citifield Internet Dangers
- The Kabbalah of Cheescake
- Rabbi Shares Tips Playing Horses
- Tightrope Advice Crossing the Niagara Falls of Life
- Difference between a Rabbi & a Rebbe
- Bulgaria Bombing & My Paining Heart
- Colorado and other Massacres
- Mineola Chabad in Munich Olympic Silent Moment
- Rabbi Meets the Iron Man at Siyum HaShas
- Solidarity with Sikh Community
- Celebrating Last Page of Hamlet!?
- Prayer Paradox
- The Rebbe on the Moon
- Clint Eastwood's Empty at LI Shul
- Beware High Holidays at Chabad
- 12 Step Program to Rosh Hashanah
- 'Al Chet' to the Tune of Dayenu!!
- 9/11 Memorial Speech 2012
- Yom Kippur Letter of Eternity to Children
- Nu so Where's the Frog already?
- You're Fired from the Bimah!
- Smiling in Judaism
- The Young Roses of Newtown CT
- Rabbi's Question Adam Lanza
- The Spider at Chabad
- Super Bowl Party Made Jewish!
- Opening Elijah's Door Why?
- Online Study
Its Just a Leap Second
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