
American Flag Day June 16th Prayer                          

Presented by Rabbi Anchelle Perl


Assembly at Garden City United States Postal Headquarters

Today we cel­e­brate one of the first sym­bols of this great coun­try, the Amer­i­can Flag.  Com­mis­sioned by the first Con­gres­sional Flag Act in 1777, the Amer­i­can flag has con­tin­ued to evolve over the years as our nation grew.


But the lib­erty it stands for, how­ever, remains con­stant.


Since 1775, gen­er­a­tions of Amer­i­cans, in times of tur­moil and ten­sion as well as peri­ods of peace, have raised their right hands to take an oath.  They have taken that oath, not to a king, and not to a flag alone, but to the ideals our flag represents.

Today we remain thankful that all women and men are free to exer­cise their innate rights as human beings. Our flag is also the sym­bol of a nation com­prised of peo­ple ded­i­cated to free­dom and independence.

On this day let us also remember all those serving in the American Armed Forces and to the vet­er­ans through­out Amer­i­can his­tory.

Old Glory has served as a sym­bol of their ser­vice and as a con­tin­u­ing tes­ti­mony that this ser­vice was worth­while. 

In the words of Pres­i­dent Woodrow Wil­son, “Old Glory, this flag which we honor and under which we serve is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thoughts and pur­pose as a nation.”

May we honor her always and respect the val­ues she rep­re­sents.  God bless you all.  And God bless America.

Thank you!